verse of the day

Friday 13 October 2023

None so blind as those who will not see.(Isaiah 53 v 2 )

 When a contestant appeared on TV's 'Britain's got Talent', the judges expected the worst, to all appearances it looked like she would be a flop,a 43 yr old lady,whose looks did not  portray the usual expectation .But when she sang everybody was amazed at her lovely voice,and she received rapturous applause,her name was Susan Boyle. The main judge said he learned a lesson that evening,'that one should not judge a book by it's cover '.I suppose we all can be guilty of doing that,but lets take this to a higher plane, in the book of Isaiah chap 53, 'we read of one who had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him.He would be despised and rejected by mankind'And so it came to pass, Of course it is speaking about Jesus,in spite of the miracles He performed , and His teaching that left people spellbound and amazed, and yet those who should have known better,saw him as an imposter, and one in league with the devil ( Matthew 12 v 24) their sinful, wilful  fallen nature,blinded them, to see who Jesus  really was,they knew the word of God,but they missed the true meaning of it,Yes it is so easy to know about him ,and never really know Him It reminds me of a story I heard that bears this out .There was  a gathering of people,were a famous actor was present,he was asked to give a recitation, he choose the 23 Psalm ,which begins with the words ,'The Lord my Shepherd',he spoke it faultlessly,and everyone applauded .There was also a minister present,and he was asked to take part,so he also  recited Plasm, 23,when he had finished,there was silence,and people were genuinely moved.The actor made this comment,'I knew the Psalm,but the minister knows  the shepherd' ,the question is, do you know the  Shepherd?.



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