verse of the day

Monday 16 October 2023

Don't be deceived. ( 2 Timothy4 v 1 - 5 )

There is book called ,'The sky was going to fall on them,' by Tom La  Padula, it  is about a silly hen who panicked and believed a lie, that the sky was going  to fall on them,and everyone began to panic,the sly old fox reaped the benefit,by eating them all up. Then there was a radio broadcast in 1930 of an episode of ,'War of the worlds', read by Orson Wells a famous actor. A  lot of people tuned in late and didn't hear the introduction,and so they panicked believing that this was an invasion of aliens,it caused quite a stir at the time.I often watch You Tube,  recently one contributor informed us that a famous actor had died,but it wasn't true. We can so easy be deceived ,everyday people believe  telephone scammers,and they loose a lot of money. Likewise many believe religious hucksters who promise them healing and prosperity,if they contribute money to them,it is all lies. The Jw's have said Christ would come back on  certain dates of course it didn't happen,and so we could go on. The bible is not a fictitious book,it is rooted in history,and the prophecies concerning the historical Christ came true ,what it says is the truth the whole truth,although many can  twist it to meet their own ends.There are many deceivers in this world ,Jesus said that would happen,but believe them not, (Matthew 24 v 5.) so do not be deceived, hold fast to the truth.

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