verse of the day

Friday 6 October 2023

All our yesterdays ( 1Timothy 1 v1 )

 Let me take you down a trip of memory lane,I am 79 so there have been a lot of changes during my lifetime,so here goes,I remember  air raid shelters in our street, trams,no supermarkets,the corner shop was your only option ,food stamps,that included sweets,pawn shops were popular,horses were still being used a lot,the teacher was allowed to use a cane to punish erring children, libraries were very popular,the main source of entertainment was the wireless,now called the radio,the cinema,and for older people going to dances,real dancing like the waltz,very few went to higher education,especially to university,very few people owned cars, or had holidays,and very few people had phones. So one could go on,down memory lane.It is amazing the changes that have taken place and are still taken place,so quickly,it is hard to keep up with them. Here is something that will never change, man kinds fallen nature,and all that means,the fact is we are born sinners,and from a very early age we manifest that,and the consequences of that is terrible,but let us not despair, there is hope,for Christ Jesus the Lord of glory came into the world to save sinners,to forgive us,change us,to give us eternal life,to save us from hell,and make us citizens of heaven,yes there is hope.

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