verse of the day

Thursday 24 March 2022

You shall not. (Exodus 20 v 17)

 Many years ago things were tough financially,I was helping in a Christian bookshop,a customer was paying for what he had bought,he opened his wallet and I saw a lot of money.Well I thought if only he would  reach into his wallet and give me some, but alas he didn't, my coveting didn't work. Yes coveting desiring what someone else has, is  just that,I had sinned.Take sport most of its built on coveting, fans coveting,clubs coveting other clubs players.I don't think we realise  that coveting is a sin, committing adultery starts with a covetous thought,you desire that man,that  woman,even though they belong to another.A certain King called Ahab coveted land , who refused his request to buy it, eventually he did get that piece of land,but only after the kings wicked wife contrived to have the man murdered .( 1 Kings 21). A man called Achan coveted that which God  forbid, he yielded to that desire, and God was not pleased,and he paid with his life.(Joshua 7)Move back to mans beginnings , a woman was tempted ,and as she looked at a certain thing she coveted  it,and yielded, and took that which God forbid,she and her husband suffered,and all of humanity,and all of creation suffered. ( Genesis 3 ) .Its as serious as that, coveting  is a sin, we must take this very serious, and take heed because sin always has consequences.

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