verse of the day

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Not half hearted. ( Proverbs 3 v 5- 6 }

I trusted you he cried out,to one he thought was his friend,one he felt that he could trust with his life,instead he betrayed him,let him down,and he found himself saying 'I will never trust anyone again'.Yes trust is important,and when it is broken it can have serious consequences. President Putin said he was not going to invade Ukraine, he lied, it will be hard to trust him,for many even among his own people  he cannot be trusted.There are two verses in the bible in Proverbs 3 v 5-6,you may know them by heart,you may be familiar with them,like hymns you know,and when you sing those hymns you do it without thinking. Here are the words of those two scriptures,' Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths'.The verses start with that simple word trust,as Christians we know the importance of that word ,but we have to put it into practice, wars and rumors of wars ,trust the Lord, the future all unknown trust the Lord,you have just lost your job,trust the Lord, money problems ,trust the Lord,whatever difficulties we may be facing what should we do?, trust in the Lord,how much should we trust Him, the answer is, this with all our hearts not half hearted, with all our hearts, remember He can be trusted.

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