verse of the day

Friday 17 June 2016

What about the soul. [ Matthew 10 v28 ]

One day a lady came to William Wilberforce,[in case you do not know,he was a member of Parliament,who sought to have  a law passed ,banning the slave trade,in this he succeeded].well this lady asked,Mr Wilberforce,what about the soul?.He turned to the woman and said,Madam,I had almost forgotten that I had a soul'.Yes we do have a soul and we neglect it to our cost.If you are not saved then you must  consider the consequences,of neglecting your soul,living for only  this life,with no thought for the eternal consequences,and dying a lost soul.If you are a believer then remember that your relationship with Christ is of vital importance,let us all see to it,that whither we are saved or unsaved we should not forget our souls well being.
                                      A  prayer.
Dear God have mercy upon us,bear in upon us the importance of our souls,
and the consequences of neglecting our never dying souls,in Jesus name Amen.

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