verse of the day

Sunday 12 June 2016

Money. [ 2 Corinthians 8 v9]

I read in the paper that Swiss voters rejected a proposal to provide the entire population with a guaranteed income.Each adult would have received 1,760
pounds a month,and each child 625[Sw Fr].Of course the money offered  is
considerably less than most workers earn.Most of us could live comfortable
on such an income,and many people in this world would consider that they
were rich. Swiss live in a very prosperous country,while a great deal of the world live in poverty,In the same paper it was reported of a lady who admitted stealing text books from her school worth more than 27,000 pounds,and selling them online,some for as little as 8 pence,she had salary
of 58.000 pounds,a year from that school.Consider what Jesus did,we are told that he was rich, [2 Corinthians 8 v9],how was He rich?.Before he came to earth,he existed in heaven,there we are told He was equal with God,as one the divine Trinity[ CP. Philippians 2v6/John1v1.Colossians2v9]
Yet in coming into this world He did the complete opposite to what we would do,He became poor,became a servant,He continually challenged us about money,about materialism.It is not that He does not care about peoples needs.He fed the hungry,and we are assured that God will supply our needs[Philippians 4 v19 /Romans 8v32/Psalm 23v1].
                                        A  prayer.
Dear Lord if we are rich in this worlds riches,help to not trust in them,but to trust in you,help us who are your children,to learn to be content,and help us
all to be generous in our giving.Amen.

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