verse of the day

Friday 3 June 2016

Leadership. [ 1 Timothy 3]

Joshua was called to be leader of Israel after Moses died,Moses had finished the task God had allotted hum to do,he had led the people out of Egypt.Now Joshua would lead the people into the promised land,it would not be easy,
leadership is never easy. When Moses was called by God to go into Egypt,
he made all sorts of excuses[Exodus 3-4],as why he should not go.Jesus called people and they made excuses [Matthew 8 v21],when Jonah was called to go to Nineveh,he ran away[Jonah 1 v3].Leadership in any area of life ,will bring its challenges,it will often bring sacrifice.Now lets return to Joshua,God had prepared him for this task of leadership,he had served an apprenticeship under Moses.Now he was being called from being an apprentice ,to be a trailblazer,under God he would lead,make decisions,
and be an example.Timothy who was called to a leadership role was told,
that he was to be example,for the believers in speech,in life,in love,in faith
and in purity[1 Timothy 4 v12].That is the greatest challenge in leadership
be it,the church,or the home,or in the work place,being an example.That  is  why it is a high calling,may none us disgrace our calling.
                                       A  prayer.
Dear God grant us grace to follow where you lead,and help us to be an example,that will glorify our Saviour. Amen.

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