verse of the day

Saturday 18 June 2016

One message.[ 1 Timothy 1 v15 ]

One man I admire is Billy Graham,one God has used mightily,I know there are those who have criticised him.Be that as it may he has remained faithful in his preaching of the gospel,and many people have been saved under his ministry.In 1954 he held a crusade in Harringay Arena in London.He tells how a Methodist preacher spoke to him,and said,''I have come here every night for ninety three nights,and I have heard one message.'' One message ,yes he preached the same message that the disciples of old preached,it will always be one message.What is that message?,Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,no matter how sophisticated we become,no matter how affluent we become,no matter what,it will always be that one simple message,Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
                                  I love to tell the story
                                  Of unseen things above,
                                  Of Jesus and His glory,
                                  Of Jesus and His love;
                                  I love to tell the story,
                                  Because I know its true,
                                  It satisfies my longing,
                                  As nothing else will do.
                                          [Kate Hankey]

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