verse of the day

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Faithfulness. [ Romans 10 v9-21 ]

In  Lamentations 3v 23,we read ,'Great is thy faithfulness',these words where written by a prophet,at a time of great suffering.It was a self inflicted suffering,it need never have happened.The people of Israel had continually sinned ,forsaken Gods ways, in spite of God sending prophets,to warn the people,it was all in vain,they refused to change,refused to listen to Gods
pleading with them.The result was ,God said enough, is  enough,when people ignore continually, Gods offer of mercy,what option is God left with?.In Romans 10v21,the apostle declares as to Israel's rejection of Gods pleading,''But to Israel he saith,All day long have I stretched forth my hands
unto a disobedient and gainsaying people''.Let us remember it is not God
who has forsaken man,but man who has forsaken God.From the moment
mankind sinned in the garden of Eden,they have been on the run from God.
So it goes on to this day, I have witnessed to many people,but sad to say
so few have responded,to the message of Gods love in Jesus.It is easy to blame the messenger, for that is all I am ,warts and all,but I know irrespective,of that,I must remain faithful. On that awesome day of judgement that is coming,it will be to late then,to change ,and trust Christ,for only those who have responded to Gods gospel will experience mercy.
                                           A  prayer.
Dear God like Jeremiah of old we declare,great has been your faithfulness,
and we ask for two things,that we your children may remain faithful,and
that in your mercy and faithfulness you will bless our faithful witness,to the salvation of the lost.Amen.

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