verse of the day

Thursday 5 May 2016

No never alone. [Matthew 28 v20]

The disciples were facing a crises ,Jesus was about  to die,He then would be
resurrected,and then He would ascend to Heaven.That means He would not be around,yes physically that would be so,but the Holy spirit would come,and His presence would make the presence of Christ,a living reality.I read of many dear Christians who are suffering persecution,in some countries were there are few Christians.they feel isolated.There are Christians who are the only Christians in their families,in there place of work,in their schools.The word of the Lord to them today,and to all of us we are not on our own,there is an unseen presence with us all.For He says  to us all,I am with you always,as one writer points out,'The Gospel that began with the assurance that this baby would be Immanuel [God with us. Matthew 1 v23],closes with the assurance that he is with them still,and will be with them to the end of time[Matthew 28 v 20]. Dear child of God,no matter how what you may be facing,no matter how isolated you are,you are not alone,He, your Saviour is with you.
                                 No never alone,no never alone,
                                 Though trials may press you
                                 And burdens distress you
                                 He'll never leave us alone.
                                 His promise is true,
                                  He will not forsake you,
                                  No never alone.

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