verse of the day

Wednesday 4 May 2016

I do not understand. [Job 13 v 15]

In Charles Swindoll's book the ,'The mystery of Gods will.' he quotes a poem by John Oxenham,written in 1613,called,'' God's Handwriting''.
                              He writes in characters too grand
                              For our short sight to understand;
                              We catch but broken strokes,and try
                               To fathom all the mystery
                              Of withered hopes of death,of life,
                               The endless war,the useless strife-
                               But there,with larger,clearer sight,
                                             We shall see this-
                                              His way was right
                                              His way was right.
The fact is, as to Gods way's,so much is a mystery,that this side of eternity
we will never understand,but as the poet writes,when we enter the eternal realms,we shall see,that His way was right.
                                          A Prayer.
Dear God there are so many things we do not understand,grant us the grace
to trust in You,even through pain and tears,in Jesus name we ask this.Amen

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