verse of the day

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Your will be done. [ Luke 22 v 42 ]

George Orwell wrote a book called 1984,it is about a super state ,that sought to control it citizens,in all aspects of their lives,even their thoughts,it is from this novel we have the term ,/Big brother is watching you/.I think when he wrote this article he had communists states in mind,religious states seek also to govern like this. As  one reads the gospels we see a big brother state,and we see how our Saviour sought to challenge it. In Mark 3 v2, we read,/And they watched  Him/, they did this continually,watching His every move,listening to His every word. Those in power did not like being challenged, they wanted God like power,to be obeyed with an unquestioned obedience.
Our dear Saviour could have chosen the road of being popular,all He had to do was to avoid certain things,a let sleeping dogs lie policy.He knew they where watching,He knew what they where thinking, He knew what they where planning, it made no difference to Him,He had only one objective in mind,the will of God. It is one thing to pray Thy will be done,and another thing doing it.
A  prayer..../Dear God help to follow our Saviour ,by putting Your will first,at  all times, in all places,and in all things Amen/


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