verse of the day

Sunday 23 February 2014

Marriage [ Ephesians 5 v 24 -25 ]

A young married couple where having difficulties in their relationship,the husband loved his wife,but they both were struggling with each other. The day of their anniversary arrived,he didn't feel like celebrating it,he had said to himself,that he was not going to send an anniversary card. Later on in the day ,he was in a local supermarket and was drawn to the section where the cards where,as he looked at them,he spied one,which touched his heart,it read,/I'm not the perfect husband,you must agree that's true/. So he bought the card and later he wrote the following words on it before giving it to his wife,/From one imperfect human being,to another imperfect human being/. Marriage is not the coming together of two perfect human beings,but it opens the opportunity for us to grow,we may not live happily ever after,but we can by Gods grace learn to accept each other,and especially love each other.
A  prayer..../Dear God help us in our marriages,to grow and to love in Jesus name Amen/

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