verse of the day

Wednesday 26 February 2014

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. [Romans 1 v16]

Continuing on from yesterday of our responsibility to proclaim the gospel of Christ, Paul in Romans 1 v16 ,declares,/ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ/.In telling the good news,we must be prepared to tell bad news,and that can be a stumbling block,a minister got up to speak,he said he was not there to tell them that they where sinners,but that they were not quite right and God wants to help get on the right road. There are many who do not want to offend others,by mentioning sin, Satan, and Hell,unlike the prophets and the apostles,who made these things very clear. William Gadspy wrote,/what worthless worms are we/.John Newton wrote amazing grace how sweet the sound that saves a wretch like me.Worthless worm, wretch,not very complimentary,but utterly true,if we do not proclaim these things, then people will never realise why they need to be saved,when is the last time you have heard the word sin,hell mentioned?, especially on the media?.Christ came into the world to save sinners,that has not changed nor will it ever change,I was witnessing to a man recently,who when asked how he would get to heaven?,he answered ,live a good life,of course that is his measure,not Gods.
A  prayer....../ Dear God open our blind eyes, to our condition,open our hearts to receive the only remedy for that condition is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen /

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