verse of the day

Sunday 9 February 2014

Vengance. [ Romans 12 v 19-21]

Sometimes I feel anger as regards the suffering inflicted upon Christians, as I sometimes feels anger at evil being carried out on children,or on women. One can never be happy as regards evil,the anger is not a dam them to hell anger, that the disciples expressed, to our Saviour,[ Luke 9 v51ff],but hopefully a righteous anger.As I read of the suffering being afflicted on Gods children, I cast the booklet I was reading ,down in anger, not so much at the people who perpetrate such things,but at systems that people are in.I cried out in anger that God would pull those systems down.I did not cry for vengeance, that is Gods criteria. CP.../Romans 12v19/.which will take place in a coming day. .../2 Thessalonians1 v8-9/We must not let our unbridled passion take over at any time,never once did King David take vengeance on King Saul,although he had his chance [1 Samuel 24],likewise Joseph never took vengeance on his wicked brothers,for all the wickedness they had done to him[ CP Genesis 50 v 15ff]. Of course the greatest example of not taking vengeance was manifested by our Saviour,at those who hurt Him,and rejected Him,He did inform His disciples that he had but to call on His Father, who would send an heavenly army to rescue Him. CP[ Matthew 26 v53],but He didn't.
A  prayer...../Dear Father in Heaven ,forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, in Jesus Name Amen /

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