verse of the day

Wednesday 5 February 2014

I am part of the problem.[ Colossians 1 v 12- 21]

I am reading a history of the 2nd world war,it is not nice reading,and I was in conversation with a person,I expressed my concern as to the awful things that happened.Now this person is not a Christian but he pointed out that in our modern society,individuals commit awful things,in other words there is always within every human being a potential to commit the most gross sins. Our Saviour continually had to remind his hearers of their fallenness,/CP  John 8 v 1-11/ Luke 13v 1-5/. We are all sinners,born with a fallen nature that is capable of the most awful things,we do not like to hear that,but to ignore it ,deny it, can have terrible consequences. I am not feeling well at this time,I don't deny that,or ignore it, I seek to treat it, by going to my GP,so it is with sin,we need to acknowledge our condition,to seek Christ, that the problem may be dealt with. Consider this old hymn by William Cowper,it reminds us clearly of how sin is dealt with,/ There is a fountain filled with blood,drawn from Immanuel's veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood ,lose all their guilty stains./
A  prayer..../Dear God we praise that is a place of forgiveness,through Your Son Jesus Amen ./

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