verse of the day

Monday 17 February 2014

There arose a great storm. [Mark 4 v35ff]

I have mentioned before about the severe weather our country is experiencing,last night and this morning the wind is howling outside,the forces of nature can be very powerful and fearful.As the disciples found out when they where in a boat,we read,/there arose a great storm[Mark 4 v37],the result was the boat filled with water.They thought they were all going to perish,with one exception,Jesus,He was with them,and he was asleep,in their panic they woke Him,they judged Him,accusing Him of not caring. They appeared to have forgotten what Jesus said as they set out on their journey,/Let us pass over unto the other side [v35]/.Remember difficulties,storms will not hinder, Gods word to us,it will be fulfilled,let faith focus on His word .Also let us not think that our Saviour does not care about our difficulties,not so,He is always focused on all that concerns us.I look back on so many situations,one time comes to mind,it was when our car got a puncture,and I had no means of changing the wheel,it was in the country,in the dark of night,my wife and four children were in the car.A man drew up from nowhere and loaned me the tool to change the wheel. Another time, again at night, our car broke down , a man stopped and took us home in his car,in those days there were no mobile phones,but there was prayer,and there was Jesus,looking after us,as He is looking after you,so fear not the storm,He will not fail you.
A  prayer..../ Dear God help us when we are in the storms, not to fear,because You are with us, and will not fail us, in Jesus name Amen /

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