verse of the day

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Vulnerable people. [ Matthew 5 v 7 ]

Chapter 2v9 we see an Boaz protecting Ruth from unwanted advances from the men who were working for him,have I not charged the young men that they shall not touch thee. Ruth was a woman on her own ,very vulnerable ,Boaz took the neccessary action to prevent her coming to harm. I read of children who are neglected and abused, with no one to care or protect them,and I pray for them, pray that God will raise up people like Boaz. There was a time in England that many dear children,were sent to work in awful conditions,in the mills and in the mines,were uneducated,hungry uncared for and unloved.God raised up men and women who made a difference,people like ,George Mullier,Barnardo, Shaftesbury,and many others. We thank God for such people, people who made a difference,to the vulnerable,to the weak, to the poor,and in so doing,were showing the heart of God.In this broken needy world,there are so many vulnerable people,who are being destroyed, and damaged,let us be a Boaz.
A prayer..../Dear God have mercy upon the vulnerable ,use us to be like Your servant Boaz in Jesus name Amen /

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