verse of the day

Sunday 18 March 2012

The poor. [ James 2 v 14 -17 ]

Now here we have two women with no means of support, in other words they were poor,what could they do?. Real poverty is sad, when you have nothing to feed your children,how do you look on the poor? our Saviour said the poor would be always with us[ Matthew 26 v11 ]. We need to to take our responsibility very serious as regards helping the poor,a famous actor was arressted for speaking out strongly, in relation to a terrible situation in a part of Africa, like hm we need to do something, to help the poor. One of the most challenging stories our Saviour told was about a rich man who ignored a man in desperate need. This needy person lay just outside the richmans gate, the rich man gave him a few crumbs, yet there he lay until he died ,our Saviour describes the fate of this cruel mean person[ Luke 16 v 19 -31 ].Getting back to Ruth and Naomi these poor women , what could they do ?well God had it all worked out, in His law, God commanded that when the fields were harvested,the harvesters were to leave some of the crop for the poor [ cp Leviticus 19 v 9-10 ]. Here is a interesting verse in Proverbs 19v 17./He that hath pity upon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he hath given will He pay him again/. We will never loose out in helping others ,the Lord Himself will repay us with interest.
A prayer..../ Dear God,help us to help the needy, to not be judgmental,but to have a loving attitude, in Jesus name. Amen /

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