verse of the day

Thursday 15 March 2012

Bitterness. [ Ruth 1 v20-21 ]

So Naomi returns home to Bethlehem with Ruth , Bethlehem the birthplace of our Saviour, what was happening to Naomi and to Ruth had a deep significance. Naomi was greeted by the people in Bethlehem,by the words ,is this Naomi?,ten years had passed ,she had changed, and Naomi replies to their enquiries, call me not Naomi which means pleasant, but call me Mara which means bitterness. Now I dont believe that Naomi had a bitter spirit, but simply what she had experienced had been bitter,loosing your husband and two sons,was a bitter pill to swallow. There is a few words of a song I remember from years ago, a cry to God,/ Keep me sweet/, there is nothing so awful as a bitter spirit. I think of a woman who was unkind to me,and sought to hurt me,yes she was a Christian, but she was a bitter Christian, most who knew her would dismiss her behaviour as, that was just her. Yes it was just her, her bitterness of spirit, she had been stunted in her Christian growth, by a bitter spirit,failing to grow in grace and love.In Hebrews 12 v 15, we are warned of the dangers of a root of bitterness taking hold of us,the Hebrew Christians like Naomi were suffering. Being bitter helps no one, and can if we let it destroy our whole lives, so beware of the dangers, and damage of such a spirit, seek to overcome it before it takes root, asking God to forgive you, and renew a right spirit within you.
A prayer..../ Dear God when I am faced with difficulties,and experiencing hurts,keep me sweet in Jesus name Amen ./

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