verse of the day

Saturday 3 March 2012

Getting things out of proportion. [ Matthew 23 v 13 ff ]

An old lady I dont know was complaining a client of mine,to me her complaint seemed so unimportant,and I could not help thinking how we often act this lady. We get things so out of proportion, our dear Saviour was faced with people who were so blind that they as our Saviour said, that they strained their water so they would not accidentally swallow a gnat, but they swallowed camels [Matthew 23 v 24 ]. They failed to see what was imporant,most of the things in their religious thought pattern was distorted, our Saviour said that they were blind, spiritually. Philip Yancey highlights this distorted way of thinking in our modern life,how many of us ,/ believe that the sole purpose of life is to be comfortable.To gorge ourselves, build a nice home, enjoy good food, have sex, live the good life./ but he goes unto say,/ but the presence of suffering vastly complicates that lifestyle- unless we choose to wear blinders. It is hard to believe the world is here just so I can have a party, when a third of the world go to bed starving . God desires that mankind see what is really important ,they need Him,first and most of all,and when they do know Him,to never loose sight of that reality.We all need to see what is most important and to treat the trivia for what it is, trivia.
A prayer...../Dear God help us to not be blinded by the trivia in life,that if I am not saved,then I need Jesus, and if I am saved I need to live for Him. Amen/

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