verse of the day

Thursday 28 February 2008

A Reminder. [Ephesians 2 v1-8]

Yesterday I witnessed as did many others a man beating another, this happened outside a pub, it was very disturbing, raising all sorts of feelings in ones mind. We , could put it down to drink, Im sure it plays its part, but then I read in a national newspaper ,of an epidemic of abuse, in the affluent suburb of West London. Also just recently my young grandson, was set upon by a mob of young people, what are we to make of this violence?, well speaking personally , as I look back on my own life it makes me sad the times I was violent, I am reminded of a song by J .Cash, The Beast in Me, we all without exception have some sort of a beast in us, it comes from a fallen nature, there is only one effective cure, the grace of God, which we recieve when we repent , and trust Christ as our Saviour, and then we need day by day ,to rely on that grace to overcome the beast in us. [Father I thank you from the very bottom of my heart , for saving me, from the beast in me, I thank you for Jesus, my Saviour, Amen]

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