verse of the day

Friday 8 February 2008

Dont run with the crowd.[ Galations.2v11 ff]

There are times in our lives when we are swept along with the crowd, the lynch mob mentality, when we really should stop and think. Consider Jesus, the mob wanted to make him king [John 6v15] but He would not go along with it, earthly power or glory was not for Him. As I look back I have seen church situations were the lynch mob mentality has taken over, the poor pastor is suddenly under attack, cruel things are said, the mob somehow have forgotten,what Jesus said, love one another, of course this running with the crowd involves a lot of situations, the gossip crowd, the debt crowd, who are you running with?.[Father it is so easy to be swept along with the crowd, help me to listen to You, to be controlled by You, led by You, in Jesus name Iask this, Amen.]

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