verse of the day

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Only Believe. [Hebrews 11v 1-7]

Our last look at Mark 9v14-29 ,we noted yesterday how the father came to Jesus in desperation, for his demon possessed son , he is desperate, he speaks to Jesus, help us if you can. observe Jesus reply, What do you mean, if I can? the fact of the matter is, He can, let me ask the question, do you believe He can? if you were that father would you be saying,help us if you can. Jesus folows up with a challenge, Anything is possible if a person believes, there is an old hymn which goes ,Only believe, all things are possible only believe,the father hearing those words cries out, I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief, and Jesus did, and He healed the boy. [Father I am so much like this man a mixture of faith and unbelief,in thy mercy forgive, and perfect that area of my life , I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.]

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