verse of the day

Sunday 28 July 2024

Wisdom ( Luke 20 v 20 -26) 2

 James encourages us to ask God for wisdom, 1v 5-6,then in chap 3 v 13 -18, he describes two kinds of wisdom.a worldly wisdom and a heavenly wisdom.Our lives and actions will manifest the wisdom we live by,we shall be known by our fruits. Wisdom should mean a lot to all of us,it should be a priorty in all our lives if we live by the heavenly wisdom we will manifest the life of Christ. Likewise the worldly wisdom does not come from heaven is unspiritual,demonic,very strong words,but if looks one at some leaders in 20th century,like Stalin ,Hitler,we can say they had wisdom,but it was surely demonic,they represent so many others like themselves. They where full of  selfish ambition,that crushed anyone who they felt stood in their way. They caused disorder  and practiced every kind of evil,and that's what they are remembered for.I have been mentioning,the wicked rulers of this world.In a lesser level people can manifest it, here is an example, my wife's car developed a fault,we found out it would need a new engine,it had not done that many miles,it is not obivious that it has a problem,two people advised trading it in without declaring the fault,of course we didn't, you see that's worldly wisdom.In so many ways wordly wisdom is at work,as one writer puts it,' People are ready  to intrigue and to plot and to use any means to gain their end'.

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