verse of the day

Thursday 25 July 2024

Saving Faith ( Isaiah 53) Enoch 2

 In Hebrews 11 that great chapter on faith and the heroes of faith, in v5 we have Enoch mentioned ,it commences by saying ,'by faith'. Hughes says ,'Faith must have an object and God is the supreme and eternal object of all faith.' Without faith in the God of the Bible,God will not be pleased.An elderly lady who comes to our church ,said that she  believed that there was something out there.That is not faith in God ,if we are to  be accepted by God ,as I have said we must have faith in the  God of the Bible,and we must  take that further ,God is a triune being,'Father,Son,and Holy Spirit'.and it goes further still we must accept by faith the Son of God as our Saviour. To reject Him is to reject God , that is the faith  God is well pleased with. Enoch had that faith, Leupold writes,' Since  Enoch was of the Sethite line, where faith in the Saviour to come prevailed,he having  lived in such faith,after his removal  shares the glory that is theirs who believed on  the Saviour. He is glorified as believers in Christ are, and that of course ,at once.'The saints in the OT believed in a coming Messiah ,Abraham did ( John 8 v 56), the OT saints looked forward to Christ sacrificial  atoning sacrifice on the cross,yes  Enoch was one of them,Whither in the OT or the NT,faith in Jesus  is the only way to be saved.

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