verse of the day

Thursday 18 July 2024

Is This? ( Matthew 19 v16 )

Recently I got in to a conversation  with a young married man, he spoke of the wrong things that are happening ,and I ssked him,what did he think was the cause?.I don't think he understood the question,in the end I told him the answer,'sin'. Yes that is the answer ,well the conversation continued I mentioned hell,he didn't believe in a place called hell,this is were it got a bit confusing,for he went on to say that hell and heaven is now,if you are having a difficult life now that's hell,likewise if you are having a good life now ,you are in heaven. He also seemed to believe in reincarnation unknowingly buying into Hinduism,in that if one was having a it bad now , it was because you were bad in a former life,likewise if you are having a good life now,it is because you were good in a former life. So it waa a very mixed up conversation,His veiws were so far removed from the truth. he looks at the prosperous people ,and he thinks that they are in heaven,people like Howard Hughes,a very wealthy man ,but what a messed up life he had.Think of many of the rich and famous film stars,their infidelities ,their divorces, Hemingway committed sucicide.As to the poor and suffering they are not in hell,they are just poor and suffering,awful though it may be.

                                                      O what emptiness! without the Saviour.

                                                       Mid the sins and sorrows here below!

                                                       And eternity,how dark without Him!

                                                       Only night and tears,and endless woe!

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