verse of the day

Saturday 27 July 2024

Singleness, ( James 1 v 7 -8 ) 1

We all need wisdom as Christians we have a choice ,it is James in his epistle who stresses the importance of wisdom,in chapter 1 v 5 he writes,'If any of you lack wisdom',often we are faced with situations ,and we don't know what we should do.If that is so you situation James say's ,'ask our generous God for wisdom , and He will give it to you,He will not rebuke you for asking'That's very simple,but he goes on to say,be sure your faith is in God alone.Do not waver,Motyer says ,'we should have a singleness of vision but, unfortionately most of us have double vision' ,that will get us nowhere ,and we will receive nothing from the Lord. God is the giving God who delights  in those who come to Him with a singleness of purpose.Consider  Solomon he had a singleness of vision ,when God said to  him, 'Ask for whatever you want me to give you,'  Solomon made a choice,here is what he asked for,\.Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong', (1v9)We may not be a king like Solomon, but we do need to know the difference right and wrong. God gave him a wise and understanding heart'. (1 v 12) God was so pleased with his choice  He give him more than he asked . May God grant  us  that singleness of  vision ,that godly wisdom, in our walk of holiness, and as we walk with Jesus.

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