verse of the day

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Ego ( Philippians 2 v 5 - 11)

It was said of a certian general in the second world war that he suffered from  egomania,which made him pretty unsufferable.He never laughed or told a joke,and possessed no small talk,but he did occasionally talk baseball to enlisted men to deceive them that  he was human.We all have an ego to some extent, one writer says this, it can be an inflated with  feelings of pride,or pridefulness. If  we run with such an ego we may begin to think that we are the center of the universe.That general I mentioned wanted to be top dog,would alway wanted to get the praise for accomplishing things he never done.So he is one example of how our fallen nature can distort our personalites, we see this in other examples, from history, of rulers who considered themselves to be god's.Also  many dictators while not claiming they are divine encourage their people to treat them in that way.In recent days some so called  Christians have said that they are small gods,our fallen human nature leads us to have inflated ideas as to ourselves,I suppose thats why we don't like the truth taught in the Bible that we all sinners, we are not the special ones,we are not the center of the universe ,we are not superior.Two nations who went to war against the world ,were driven by a belief that they were superior to others to ,and that they were invincipal ,alas  they found out to their cost that they were not.

                                               'Dear Lord, open our eyes ,let us see ourselves

                                               as you see us,sinners that need to be saved, by

                                               trusting Jesus,as our Saviour.And when we do 

                                               help us to walk humbly with you. Amen.'



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