verse of the day

Friday 19 July 2024

The young man with green hair. ( 1 Samuel 16 v 7)

The question is does it matter how we dress when we go to our place of worship?, and the answer is ,well we will come to that.My pastor told a story about a young man who got his hair dyed green, to his parents surprise .He was a Christian so they didn't say much,so that Sunday they went to their place of worship and it was the young man with green hairs turn to welcome people at the door. Some of the regulars give him a funny looks,and thought, we must have a word with the pastor. Just as the service was about to begin ,a young lady came ,she had a ring in her nose and  a tattoo on her arm,after the service she came to the young lad, and told him that seeing him with his green hair,encouraged  her to stay ,and she would be coming back.She eventually trusted Christ and became a member of that church for many years. It may surprise us to know that God is not concerned as what one wears,unlike us God has always a bigger agender, and it goes beyond what we wear,or the colour of our hair.or our status in society.Our dear Saviour always looked at a persons greatest need,the salvation of their soul, and so should we.

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