verse of the day

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Heavenly Wisdom ( 2 Corinthians 3 v2-5) 4

Let us briefly mention the other qualites of heavenly wisdom,first ,'considerate ',or as Matthew Arnold called it ''sweet reasonableness'.The religious people of Jesus day we're anything but considerate or  sweet and reasonable they were very hardhearted (Mark 3 v5 ),they would have pushed to the front of the queue.Next we look at,'Submissive' one writer says it can mean,' ever ready to obey', the greatest example of this ,is the Lord in all He did,and reached its fullness by His submission and obedience to God His Father.(Philippians 2 v 5-11).Next we have ,'Full of mercy and good fruit '. an over abundance to forgive, and a generous heart.Next 'Impartial and sincere', we are all inclined to listen to one side of the story often we take sides,when my neighbours wife's marriage broke up I tried not to take sides. As regards being  sincere in other words ,not two faced,one of the things our Saviour said about the Pharisees that they were hypocrites Matthew 22 v18,He said this many times.There used to be saying,the bigger the Bible the bigger the hypocritr, Our lives should manifest what ever the Bible says,as one person put it,'That our lives  may be like a letter that anyoe can read'.

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