verse of the day

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Thank you. (Lamentations 3 v 22-23 )

I was having a time of prayer and I found myself  saying to God ,'Thank you for always being there',as I said this I felt very emotional. I have been on a long journey,full of many twists and turns,and many up's and downs, some successes and many failures.Yet through it all God my loving heavenly Father has been there for me, words in some ways I feel are inadequate ,could be the emotions I felt were a more acceptable thank you. When I trusted my blessed Saviour things did change in my life and for the better for I had a big heavenly Father looking after me. So I look back with gratitude and thankfulness,there is a Christian song with these words in it,'Why me Lord', yes it is a mystery,as the song also says,'What have I ever done to deserve such love?' and the answer is nothing. God did not  set His upon me because I deserved it, I didn't,here is what the scripture has to say,'God demonstrate his love on us in this; while we were still sinners,Christ died for us',( Romans 5 v 8 ) He didn't say to me go and clean your act up first, no He said come to me,simply ask Me to forgive you your sins through my Son Jesus,and I will,and you know something ,He did.That's not the end of the story it was only the beginning,the best is yet to be.

                                       'Nothing good have I done, to deserve God's own Son,

                                        I'm not worthy of the scars in His hands;

                                        Yet He chose the road to Calvary to die in my stead,

                                         Why He loved me, I can't understand.'

                                                        Words by Dottie Rambo.


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