verse of the day

Monday 22 July 2024

The Lord's table. ( 1 Corinthians 11 v 23 -26 )

 We had a lovely time on Sunday morning at our fellowship,it included what we call the Lords table,so we sang a song by Graham Kendrick,just let say I love many  of the modern songs.So as we sang the song,I wasn't happy with one of the verses which goes,'In this bread there is healing,In this cup there's life forever'.There are people who really believe that,I don't, they are symbols  ,that's all.and we must be careful not to transfer to them,what Christ can only do.the Catholic church have made the wafer a thing to worship.There are also those within the Protestant fold who likewise are what  one would call sacramentilist.Let us turn back to the Lord's table,what did Jesus say about it?, in Luke 22 v 19 -20 we read ,'This do in rememberance of Me',it is a rememberance feast,nothing else nothing more. The bread speaks of His body that was given for us,given to be a sacrifice for our sins,given to bear the wrath of God so that we don't have to bear it.The blood  we  are told it is a sign of the New Covenant which tells us that the Lord will forgive our wickedness, and will remember our sins no more.( Jeremiah 31 v 33 34 )The Lords table is symbolic nothing more nothing else,and yet very important ,in taking the bread and wine we are reminded afresh that it is all about Jesus and His work of salvation for us.

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