verse of the day

Wednesday 17 July 2024

I have done enough. ( Luke 17 v 10)

I recently ministered in a church,not a very large church,and they have a problem,they desperately need people to be deacons,they don't have a pastor,.After the  service was over and we met  to have a cup of tea,there was a married couple there and I said to the man would you not consider being a deacon?he sort of  said he may,but it wasn't a very positive reply..Then his wife started to speak as to their  past Christian ministry ,she mentioned the different things they had done in the church,and now she felt they had done enough,and they wanted more time to themselves. I didn't say to much more,I thought it was very sad that they thought like that,because it seemed to me that they,particularly the wife,thought she had served God enough .The next morning at home I was praying giving thanks to God for his mercies,and I said to God ,that words seem inadequate for all that he has done for me,and I said what can I give you?,my reply was,' I give my life back to you'.But I am eighty but I cannot retire from serving God,oh yes I may have to cut down  on certain things,through age or infirmity.That church has a needs if  they don't get people willing to serve in that little church it will close.We read these very challenging words from  what  I call the gospel of Romans verses 12 v 1 ,'I plead with you to give your bodies to God because all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice,the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to wordhip Him.'

                                             'Yes God does require sacrifice from us'

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