verse of the day

Tuesday 9 July 2024

God is not like us, ( Isaiah 55 v 6-7)

 In  Psalm 50 God speaks to those he calls the wicked, who recite His laws and pretend to obey His covenant(16),but were acting in evil ways.Spurgeon comments,'these people appeared religious but their religion was a  cover for their evil ways'.Most Germans at the time of Nazism professed to be Christians,it was that hypocrisy that our Saviour condemmed outright CP Matthew 23 ,God will welcome sinners who acknowledge their sin  and turn from their wicked ways,but He will not tolerate those whose,attitudes ,and actions are obviously contray to His holiness,here is how one writer puts it,' When God calls to them they do not ansewer,they treat His word like garbage.Their mouths  drools filth,that they were good at lying,and were good at back stabbing'.Here is what they thought of God,' You thought  that I was one like yourself 'v21. Many people conveniently forget that Gods thoughts are not our thoughts,neither are His ways our  ways (Isaiah 55 v8) God is not tolerant as regards sin,He burns with a righteous angry at man's sinful ways,He absolutely hates mankinds sinful ways,He will not excuse our sin or make light of it, How serious is sin to a holy God, well consider the consequences, it can be summed  up in one word,' Hell' that is the destiny of  humanity unless they forsake their sin,repent of their sin,and trust Jesus as their Saviour.

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