verse of the day

Sunday 21 July 2024

Out with the old in with the new, ( Hebrews 11 v 8 -16)

Father Abraham was called by God to leave his own country and go to the land God would give him,he was 75 and he was told by God ,that through him all the peoples on the earth would be blessed, indicating he would have children. (Genesis 15 v4) How did Abram react to this promise ? 'Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness '.This is a most wonderful verse, it answers the question of how those in the OT were saved,very simple the same way the saints in the NT were saved Romans 5 v1. Salvation is granted to us when by faith we trust in Jesus,the result is we become Children of God,and we are children of Abraham also Galatians 3 v29. Isreal's history  is our history,,we are no  longer foreigners and strangers,but fellow citizens with God's people and members of his household'. (Ephesians 2 v 19) All the promises in the OT are ours,everyone one of them,their future is our future,the old covenat is gone ,the new covenant has arrived,and we are new creations through our wonderful Jesus, our Messiah.,the moral laws remain,the legalist laws are finished,the temple is gone,a new temple has come into place ,not one built by human beings.Every Christian is a temple in which the Holy Spirit dwell's (/1 Corinthians  3 v15 / 2  Corinthians 6 v 16/).We God's new creation  have a wonderful future in that wonderful new heaven and new earth, in which we will sing a new song to Him who hath loved us and cleansed us from our sin.

                                                        ' Truly worthy is Lamb'


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