verse of the day

Thursday 22 September 2022

What's the point? ( Roman 8 v 26 -28 )

A friend spoke of  someone  he knew,who told how his prayers were not being answered, he said what's the point of praying. What can one say to that?, is he right?, he thinks he is. As one who has been following the Lord for 58 yrs, I know that God has not always answered what I prayed for,like a wife not to die of cancer, and she died. I can think of so many other things, in which the thing I asked for was not granted,things that caused me a lot of pain, but it did not happen. So should I agree with that person ,and  say,' what's the point?', no I do not agree with him,it is a foolish think to say. CP Job 2 v 9- 10.I think sometimes we are so intent in our prayers,and we feel that our  prayer should be answered, God has to answer it. Consider the following words ,'We do not know what we ought to pray for', Romans 8 v 26.In our weakness we often don't know what's best for us, only the triune God knows what's best, let me repeat that,He knows what's best for us.As a parent ,we realise that our little children don't know what's best for them,and so we often have had to say no to their requests.So it is with our loving heavenly Father, He knows what's best for his children,so its no good having a tantrum, our heavenly Father, really does know what's best for us, trust Him.

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