verse of the day

Friday 2 September 2022

I am not like that. ( John 21 v 20 - 23 )

 A friend of mine told me when he was a young Christian, he was upset how some Christians got on, and he took it to the Lord in prayer,and he felt the Lord said to him,'that's people ,I'm not like that.' The church will never be perfect, even in a state of Grace we do not always reflect Christ. The vital thing for all us who are Christians ,we must keep our eyes on our perfect Saviour. Christ loves His church,even though  it is not a perfect church, far from it. Read the book of Corinthians the problems Paul had in that church ,and it made life very difficult for Paul . Paul could always see the bigger  picture, he kept His eyes on Jesus, and he pressed on.He sought to put the past behind him.The past clings to most of us ,often hindering us, trying to pull us down ,and even pull us back.We must be realistic, the church is full of imperfect people,and that includes you and me,Christian shouldn't do certain things ,they shouldn't , but  alas, they do.Think what Jesus had to cope with,not just the religious leaders,but even his disciples , think of Peter, or even Judas.The hymn writer wrote,about ones friends despising ,and forsaken them,and then he added, take it to Lord in prayer,I remind you again  what our Lore said to my friend,'that's people, I am not like that'.

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