verse of the day

Wednesday 7 September 2022

The quite man. ( Matthew 18 v 21 - 35 )

 One of my favourite movies is the ,'The Quite Man',it is about a man an Irish American  called Sean Thornton ( Played by John Wayne)returning to his roots in Ireland.He falls in love with Mary Kate Donaher,( Played by Maureen O' Hara)  the sister of Squire Donaher ( Played by Victor Mc Laglen.) The squire is a big man who would start a fight at the drop of a hat,if anybody offended him,he would tell his little side kick to put their name in the book,so he would have a record of those offended him, and deal with them.In 1 Corinthians 13 v 5, we read ,that one aspect of love is,one does not keep a record of wrongs.If we, like Squire Donaher keep a record of wrongs then we are not being loving.We can all justify keeping a record of those who have hurt us,offended us,and instead of loving and forgiving,we hold unto it,and its becomes like a cancer eating away at us. In the Lords prayer, we ask God to forgive us our sins,and yet we are not willing to forgive others. When we trust Jesus as our Saviour a wonderful things happens,all our sins our gone, as far as the east is from the west ,so far has he removed our transgressions from us.( Psalm 103 v 12 ) Don't be a squire Donaher.




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