verse of the day

Sunday 11 September 2016

Unpayable debt. [ Romans 12 v1- 2 ]

Debt is not a new thing,but it appears to be a massive thing now,most countries appear to survive on what they can borrow,and so their debt increases.In the rich West borrowing is a way of life,and for many this way of  life brings many into great difficulties,which can lead to bankruptcy.
Many are filled with despair,and do not know where to turn to,there is hope,
organisations like CAP,Christians against poverty,are helping many,to resolve their difficult circumstances.Now at this time in my life my wife and I are not in debt,and I give God thanks for that.Yet there is a sense I will always be in debt,and it is a debt which one has called an 'unpayable debt'.The apostle Paul wrote of being a debtor,the fact is when we have been to the cross,and experienced the love of God and when we consider all that this means,forgiveness,freedom and a wonderful future,and being saved from wrath to come we are blest.We  are debtors,but it is not a debt that we can pay,but it demands a response,the question we must each ask ourselves is,how are we responding?
                                             A  prayer.
Dear God we owe you so much,it leaves us stunned,at the extent of your love to us,yet challenged ,as to how we can respond,thank you in the name of Jesus who loved so very much by dying on Calvary Amen.

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