verse of the day

Friday 5 February 2016

Pure in heart. [ Galations v5 v16ff ]

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God [Matthew 5 v 8]
It is Dr. M.L.Jones ,writes that this is undoubtedly one of the greatest,
utterances to be found where in the whole realm of scripture.The gospel of
Christ is concerned about the heart,what is the state of our hearts,that's what
God is asking. Vine writes,/The heart is used figuratively for the hidden springs of our personal life.The Bible describes human depravity as in the heart,because sin is a principle which has its seat in the centre of man's
inward life,and then defiles the whole circuit of his action[Matthew 15 v19-20]/When we surrender to Christ our sins are forgiven and we receive Gods Holy Spirit who enables us to break the sinful tendencies in our heart.So it is we exhorted to live by the Spirit,and if we do,we will not gratify the desires of our sinful nature[ Galations5 v16]. It was David who prayed ,
/Create in me a pure heart,O God,and renew a steadfast spirit within me[Psalm 51 v10].Like David I pray those words regularly,for I know how
easy it is for our sinful hearts ,to become dirty and defiled,captivated by
sinful passions.One day these sinful hearts ,will be changed,completely,
and we will see God.
                                      A  prayer.
Dear God create in us clean hearts,like unto yours  in Jesus name Amen .

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