verse of the day

Thursday 18 February 2016

Museum of procrastination.. [ 2 Corinthians 6 v2 ]

Recently while visiting a certain town,as I ,my wife ,son and his wife were walking along, I noticed a street musician,he was dressed in an evening jacket,and was playing a violin.They are called buskers,and people gave them money,this man was very gifted,so much so, that when my family
went do some shopping,I returned to listen to him.I stood listening and
as I did the music touched my heart,tears ran down my face,and I was truly blessed.During a break in his performing I spoke to him,he mentioned
that I must have been cold ,well I said,your music warmed my heart.I
mentioned how much I appreciated his gift,then I asked him was he a Christian?,he said ,not yet,not yet .It reminds me of an advert on the TV,
that welcomes people to the museum of procrastination,that word means
delaying or postponing,a putting of,some more convenient day.The Word
of God stresses the importance of  not delaying,it says come now,behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation[2 Corinthians 6 v2].Life is very uncertain ,suddenly things can change,and before we know
we are taken away,or our mind goes,then its to late,I beg you because I love you, to trust Christ today,do not delay.
                                           A prayer
Dear God help us to see the importance of not delaying,and help us to trust
Christ today,in His name we ask this Amen.

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