verse of the day

Saturday 14 June 2014

Suppose. [ Psalm 23 ]

There was lady called Mary who worked hard, her life was difficult,but she was full of the joy of the Lord. One day a friend spoke to her and said,Mary I appreciate your joyful attitude,but suppose,Mary you lost your job,suppose you became ill,suppose,before she could finish, Mary interrupted her, stop your supposing,the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.Because life can be very uncertain ,things change,sickness,and so many other things,we can be like that lady who raised the issue of supposing,the what ifs in life. The question is who is our security?the answer is very simple,the Lord,whatever we are facing,He will not leave us stranded,He will not fail His children,be it famine or whatever. So let us stop our supposing,and let us rest on His unchangeable love,for all His children
a love that loved us to the uttermost,and will continue for ever and ever and ever.
A prayer.....Dear Lord help us to strong in faith,to not dwell on supposing,this or supposing that,in Jesus name Amen./

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