verse of the day

Monday 16 June 2014

A quick fix. [ Psalm 40 v1]

I am sure you have heard the term, a quick fix ,it is something we all want,but when it comes to Gods
kingdom,it is not necessary so.What is the bases of Gods ways? I do not see His ways as a quick fix,it appears to imply something hurried ,and  not very permanent.When it comes to the building of a soul it is a lifetime work,in which God uses many circumstances,and means to make the child of God into the likeness of Christ. When we pray we often want God, to as it were wave a magic wand and change everything,well the fact is God does not have or use a magic wand.I cry hurry ,God replies wait,I cry I want it now,God replies no,it will not be good for you now,He replies remember the words I spoke unto My servant Peter,/ What I do thou knowest not now,but thou shalt know hereafter/God says to us quick fixers,/For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways, My ways.For as the heavens are higher than than the earth,so are My ways higher than Your ways,and my thoughts than your thoughts/.[Isaiah 55 v8-9 ]
A  prayer..../Dear God we confess that often we are taken up with the here and now,we want it now,is our cry, gives us grace to wait Your time,and to trust in Your ways,in Jesus name Amen/

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