verse of the day

Friday 13 June 2014

Pride or humility,whats it to be? [1 Peter 5 v 5-6]

In  1 Chronicles21,we read how Satan tempted David into taking a census which God forbid,and David went for a hundred percent.He would not listen to Joab's wise advice.How did Satan get a foothold?it is thought that it was pride. Even the greatest of men can fall,when they are lifted up with pride. Now in 2 Samuel 24 we read that God would use this event to deal with Israel, my study Bible
says,/Hebrew writers do not always distinguish between and secondary causes. So if God allowed Satan to tempt David,to them it is as if God did it/,remember God is Sovereign ,so tread carefully in your conclusions,remember God does not tempt anyone to sin[ James 1 v13],in verse 14,we read/But  every man is tempted , when he is drawn away with his own lust, and enticed./ Many years ago I heard a business man say something to someone,I cant remember what he said,but the spirit of it was that of pride,his business appeared to be flourishing.Not long after that his business went bust,pride we are told comes before a fall,as was the case of the great king Nebuchadnezzar[cp Daniel 4].The scriptures continually warn us about pride,and the importance of humility,and the dangers and consequences of pride.
A  prayer..../Dear God help us to follow in the footsteps of our dear Saviour,as one who humbled Himself,in His life and in His death,and is now exalted in Heaven. Amen/

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