verse of the day

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Life so short eternity so long. [Psalm 90 ]

And frankly,it made me confront my mortality,so wrote a lady,aged 56,she had just discussed with her elderly parents their wishes for after their deaths.Yes her mortality,the fact is we are all mortal,and one day we will die,we should face this fact,even though it may be a fearful subject.The lady did  go on to mention that she would want ,Amazing grace ,to be sung at her funeral,fair enough.People in this country are living longer,many are living to a 100 plus.In this country when you reach 100,you receive a card from our queen ,if you don't reach a 100,tough,no card. Her parents she said where committed Christians, if that is so,then the most important part has been dwelt with. It was Moses the man of God who reminds us of the brevity of life,/  The days of our years are three score years and ten,and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years,yet is their strength labour and sorrow,for it is soon cut off,and we fly away/.Scroggie wrote this title over this ,/God's eternity and man's transitoriness/.The Psalm mentions,God's wrath and man's sin,and it is in the light of the brevity of life,our sinfulness,and God's wrath,we need to be wise unto salvation,as is to be found in Jesus,and in Him alone.
A  prayer...../Eternal and Holy God,help us to see that now is the day of salvation,and help us to trust Jesus as our Saviour,Amen/

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