verse of the day

Friday 6 June 2014

Do not believe the enemy of your soul.[ Psalm 121]

Let us consider a good but imperfect king,Hezekiah,who lived at a time of momentous change, Assyria had become a world power,their armies had devastated Israel,the ten tribes,and removed them from the their land.Then they turned on Judah ruled by Hezekiah, nothing stood in their way,city after city fell,until only Jerusalem was left.They besieged Jerusalem,where Hezekiah was,He tried to buy them off, but it did not work,it looked like they would suffer the same fate as Israel. The Assyrians stood outside the walls of Jerusalem,and they challenged those within .The enemy taunted them ,they ask a number of questions,as to whom where they putting their confidence in,and in whom  where trusting in?[ 2 Kings 18v19-20] Let us apply this to our lives,our situations,is the enemy pressing in upon you?is he at the gate?, is he mocking you?.is he reminding you of your situation?,which may be dire,and even desperate.What are you going to do ?well  what are you going to do?,first of all the enemy of your soul is a liar,you can believe his lies,or you can put your confidence in God,and declare that your help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
Call upon Him in .your time of trouble He will not fail you,He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think[Ephesians 3 v20]
A  prayer....../Dear God ,grant us deliverance, from the enemy of our souls,in Jesus Name, Amen/

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