verse of the day

Monday 25 February 2013

What Jesus is offering. [John 4 v 1-26 ]

John Stott wrote,/Karl Marx wrote of,  the new man and the new society/,these two aspects Marx thought would emerge as a result of economic liberation.Now of course we all want to see a more fairer world,a world of economic equality, a world where the poor are fed,and clothed,and I believe we should pray for this,work towards this. But a Christian I know that this will never be enough,for be man, poor or rich,they have a deep spiritual need,to ignore this ,which the secular person does,is to court disaster. It is to ignore the the realities of a society that is out of touch with each other,and mans fallen nature,manifested in a multitude of ways. It is to ignore that man has a deep hunger ,which they try to satisfy by sex,food,entertainment,buying all sorts of things,it is thought that a quarter of our population is obese.Jesus , was continually calling people to come to Him who alone can satisfy their deepest need,society calls us to eat more,to buy more,to have more,Jesus stands and says to us I have come that you may have life,and have it more abundantly.Jesus said to a woman at a well,/ If you knew the generosity of God, and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink,and I would gave you fresh,living water...who drinks this water would never thirst again/.The woman did not understand what Jesus was offering to her and to all mankind,a life so different so fulfilling,that it would truly satisfy our deepest needs.
A  prayer..../Dear God help us to see that only through Your son Jesus,our deepest need can be met Amen /

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