verse of the day

Thursday 7 February 2013

Blessed Trinity.[ Ephesians 4 v 4-6 ] ]

My pastor was speaking on creeds,the Apostles creed, the Nicene creed,and the Anthanasian creed,I believe that they are important,for in a changing world, they remind us that there are things that do not change.The creeds remind us who God is a Triune being,There are those who say we worship three gods, but not so,the Anthanasian creed lays great stress on the trinity, it is a long creed,but here are a few things which it says,/We worship one God in Trinity,and in unity, neither confusing the Persons, nor dividing the divine Being. The Father eternal, the Son eternal,and the Holy Spirit eternal,but yet they are not three eternals, but one eternal.the Father is God,the Son is God,and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods, but one God.All three Persons are co-eternal with each other and co-equal/ It is vital that we hold fast to this Biblical truth ,to not be swayed by human reasoning,ours or others. Mankind is good at inventing gods, Israel said, let us make us gods [Exodus 32v1 ], and so it is,that there are many so called gods, in this world. But there is only one true God,the God who has revealed Himself through His word,Father,Son ,and Holy Spirit,blessed Trinity
A  prayer....../ Dear God we thank You that You have revealed Yourself through Your word,as the triune God,Father Son and Holy Spirit Amen/.

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